The Youth Residential Seminar on the theme “La Jeunesse Saine” was organized with the purpose of teaching a healthy lifestyle to the youngsters (Chagossians’ descendants) so that they take a step toward a non-tempered future and this either on the social plan, physical or professional. The seminar was held from Saturday, August 3, 2013 until Monday, August 5, 2013 at Belle Mare Recreation Centre.
Because of the social illness and diseases of todays it is important that certain topics should be treated among the youngsters so that they become aware of how to live a better life. In this momentum, resource persons were invited to sensitize the youngsters. On Saturday there was a talk on Youth Reproductive Health by representative of MFPWA that has been very rewarding in the sense that the youngsters did learn things that they did not know before and which will be very helpful for them in the future. On Sunday there was a talk on Healthy living and Stress by representative of “Youth for a Better World”. This session has been very well received by the youngsters as they learned how to manage any stressing situation. They also had a historical session on the Chagos islands so that they better know their origins and become more aware of how things have gone and is going on in the Chagos case. In order to focus the youngsters during the seminar, kit and training pack were offered to them on their arrival.
In the spirit of a healthy life a balanced diet was served whether it was for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Sports and leisure activities were also organized for the youngsters so that they could enjoyed themselves in a healthy manner. In addition the youngsters participated in entertainment programs like for example, sketch, songs, dance, slams, etc… This helped in developing their personality and in discovering new talents amongst the young Chagossians.
The youngsters did learn a lot from the seminar whether it is in general knowledge, in personality and even in friendship as they did learn community life. To some extent they learn the sense of responsibility as well. And at the end they were given a certificate of participation.
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