The Chagos Islands
(BIOT) All-Party Parliamentary Group held its 39th meeting on 20 November 2013
The Group considered the ministerial statement of 19
November to Parliament concerning the new feasibility study and the draft terms
of reference (ToRs) at
Members congratulated the FCO on the thorough,
far-reaching and objective nature of the draft ToRs. They were pleased to note
the emphasis placed on possible resettlement in Diego Garcia and assumed that
this indicated prior consultation with the US. They felt that having
different options for resettlement was a sensible approach. While
recognising that this would entail a more elaborate study they agreed that
there ought to be some simplification of procedures and a shortening of the
timescale in order to meet the deadline imposed by the May 2015 general
election and to reduce costs. Given that the Foreign Secretary had announced a
stock taking of policy towards resettlement on 20 December 2012 they had
expected the study to be completed by the summer recess (July 2014), so that
decisions could be taken well before the election. On the timetable proposed it
looked as if it might not conclude until shortly before the election, since the
ToRs would not be finalised until next year, followed by a period for selecting
consultants. This would hardly allow enough time for the BIOT Policy
Review into which the conclusions of the feasibility study will feed. It
is understood that this review will consider all aspects of BIOT policy,
including re-negotiation of the UK/US Agreement, sovereignty and future
management of the MPA and the Chagos Islands.
The Group urged that there be no more procrastination and
that the proposed feasibility study timetable be shortened to meet the
overriding deadline of a general election. A future government might well
decide to carry out its own policy review. The Group was also concerned that no
progress appeared to have been made in identifying the wide ranging experts who
would carry out the study, and their availability. It was not clear whether
there would be a tendering process for consultants or if the FCO itself would
invite experts to participate, and how their suitability for this complex task
would be determined.
Members took note of the PQs and Questions answered since
the last meeting on 9 October, the interventions made by Lords Luce and
Ramsbotham in the debate on the Commonwealth on 17 October and also Early Day
Motion 649 tabled by the Chairman which reads:
"That this House congratulates the Chagos Refugees
Group on their conference in Mauritius to mark 30 years since their foundation
following their displacement from the Chagos Islands; and recognises that this
historical wrong can best be corrected by allowing and facilitating their
return to the Islands." The Coordinator gave a report on the conference
and on his meetings in Mauritius.
The Group was also informed of the Chagos Conservation Trust
conference on 18 November which marked its 20th anniversary. Members were
pleased to hear about developments in the Outreach programme for Chagossians
living in the UK. They noted that Chagossians living in Mauritius and
Seychelles were more likely to want to live in the Chagos Islands and that
conservation and marine skills education was more appropriate for their needs.
Members were pleased to learn that Dr Mark Spalding of The
Nature Conservancy, respected by Chagossians and the Chagos science community,
had been appointed the new BIOT Science Adviser. They congratulated the FCO and
Dr Spalding on his appointment.
The Group was informed that the Judicial Review of the MPA
was set for appeal at the end of March and that the Mauritian case at ITLOS
remained active. It was noted that the draft ToRs of the feasibility study
referred to the possibility of amending the MPA. Members wondered why the MPA
had not already been amended to take account of Chagossian and Mauritian
interests, thus obviating the need for litigation.
The Group held its
40th meeting on 17 December 2013 and reviewed the progress made since its
first meeting 5 years ago, on 16 December 2008. Members recalled the purpose of
the Group was "to help bring about a resolution of the issues concerning
the future of the Chagos Islands and the Chagossian people". The Group had
also decided that "following the end of legal proceedings (Law Lords
judgment Oct 08) the responsibility for the Chagos Islanders now rests with
Parliament". At its second meeting on 29 Jan 2010 the Group agreed several
objectives one of which was. "A truly independent study of the
practicalities and way in which a limited resettlement of Salomon and Peros
Bahnos can be achieved..... drawn up in consultation with interested parties,
not least the Chagossians". They were pleased to note that after 5 years
the FCO had now agreed to a new study. They were disappointed that another of
its objectives ("Discussions with Mauritius on the future sovereignty of
the Outer Islands") had not so far begun although its objective
("Re-negotiation of the Agreement with the US by 2015, to reflect the
right of the Chagossians to live on the Islands and any changes to the
sovereignty of those Islands") appeared to be on course.
Members discussed the proposed TORs for the new feasibility
study. They endorsed the points made by Baroness Whitaker, Lord Avebury and
Lord Luce in the Lords debate on 27 November, in particularly that it would be
necessary to cut the length of the study from 12 to 6 months in order for
decisions to be made and implemented before the general election. Members
agreed that they should continue to monitor the process and timetable
The Group decided that the Chairman should write to the
Foreign Secretary about this and other concerns such as the need to engage
Mauritius in a diplomatic dialogue concerning the future management of the
Islands and of the MPA. As Lord Luce had
said in the debate " it is essential that they (Mauritius) are regarded as
a vital player in any Chagossian solution". Members agreed with Lord
Avebury's suggestion, made in the Lords debate, that to help break the ice the
new BIOT Science Adviser, along with members of the BIOT Science Advisory
Group, should have meetings with their Mauritian counterparts to discuss
a joint approach to the science of Chagos, sharing data and current research.
The Group decided to invite the Mauritian High Commissioner to a meeting.
Members were keen to take up the Foreign Secretary's offer
of a further meeting which he had made at the last meeting with the Group on 15
December 2011.
The Group also discussed legal developments. They took note
that permission had been granted by the High Court for an appeal against the
judicial review of the MPA to be heard on 31 March on the three grounds of
improper motive, fishing rights and EU law. Members were interested to learn
that, with respect to the ruling of the Law Lords in Oct 2008, lawyers had
recently written to the Treasury Solicitor alleging a miscarriage of justice,
on the grounds that the flawed feasibility study and the way it had been
influenced, was a key factor on which the majority judgment had been based. The
letter invited the Foreign Secretary to set aside that judgment and restore
the right of return,
The next meeting of the Group is on 5 February.
David Snoxell
Coordinator of the Chagos Islands (BIOT) APPG
On the 27th November a fifty-four minute debate in
the House of Lords demonstrated the determination of Peers to maintain pressure
on the Government. The full text of the debate
is attached to this newsletter, and included a contribution from the
cross-bencher Lord Luce recalling
the first time he became aware of the human rights violations inflicted against
the Chagossians:
“I think that it was
in early 1982, when I was a Minister of State at the Foreign Office and had
responsibilities for the African continent and the Indian Ocean, that I paid my
first visit to Mauritius. When we landed, we were the only aeroplane at the
airport. I came down the steps and the high commissioner whisked me away. At
that point, I noticed that there were some 2,000 people at the airport. I
expressed surprise that for one aeroplane there should be 2,000 people and I
asked him why they were there. He said, “That’s a demonstration”. I said, “A
demonstration against whom?” He said, “A demonstration against you”. So I said,
“Look, if there’s a demonstration, the important thing is to meet the leaders.
Please lay on the demonstration again and ask them to demonstrate again”.
They demonstrated the
next day outside the high commission. I invited the five leaders, five
marvellous Chagossian ladies, to come in and have tea. That was the first time
that I realised that what we had done in the late 1960s and early 1970s by
expelling 1,500 people, going back two, three and even four generations, was a
really black mark for our country. It was serious abuse of human rights. I very
much regret that, because I decided with the noble Lord, Lord Carrington, to
resign very soon after that, I did not do more about the issue at that time.
I believe that the
issue has undermined our voice in the case that we put for human rights all
over the world. If we are going to argue for upholding the Commonwealth charter
on core values, which we do, we have to be able to say that we are strong, in
our own country and in our own foreign policy, on respecting human rights. Last
week, on 21 November, we had a splendid debate, led by the noble Lord, Lord
Alton, in which I could not take part, on human rights all round the world. When we do that, we need occasionally to
pause to remember that we abuse human rights from time to time. In this case,
we have, and we need to put it right.”
At the end
of October the Chagos Refugees Group (CRG) marked the 30th
anniversary of its establishment with an international conference in Mauritius. APPG Coordinator David Snoxell was one of several to have addressed the audience and
a full copy of his speech is attached with this edition:
“Clearly, after more
than a decade of intransigence, the FCO needs a thorough and objective review
of all its policies towards Chagos. And here I pay tribute to today’s FCO for
recognising this. The Policy Review announced ten months ago by the Foreign
Secretary on 20 December 2012 was a belated but welcome step forward. I believe
that it
is a genuine attempt
to be open, objective and fair.”
promised, our Chair Sabrina Jean, who
represented our Association, has provided us with some wonderful images from
the conference:
for the Overseas Territories Mark
Simmonds made a written
statement to Parliament on November 19th confirming that a draft of
the terms of reference for the forthcoming feasibility study had been
“Over the summer, FCO
and BIOT officials sought initial views from over 400 people, including members
of the Chagossian community in the UK, Mauritius and the Seychelles.
These initial
consultations show that views within Chagossian communities vary widely on the
issue of resettlement. Though a clear majority of Chagossians expressed a
preference to return to BIOT, there were significant differences in the detail.
Numerous concerns and issues were highlighted, by Chagossian groups and others,
which will need to be carefully considered during the Feasibility Study. These
include the scale of resettlement, the extent of the provision of modern
infrastructure and facilities, access to employment opportunities, and the need
to protect the unique environment of BIOT.
The input provided has
helped to shape the draft Terms
of Reference(TORs) for the study which will be published immediately on
the Overseas
Territories webpage on GOV.UK and placed in the libraries of both
Houses. The Feasibility Study will look at the full range of options for
resettlement and will include all the
islands of the Territory, including Diego Garcia with its vital military base.
Following the Study, in assessing the potential options for resettlement, the
Government will wish to balance a range of factors including whether this could
be accommodated in a way that does not inhibit the scale and output of the
existing base, and whether the base can continue to operate undisturbed
alongside any potential resettlement.”
A summary of the draft TORs published by the Foreign Office
last month is also attached to this edition of the newsletter. The closing date for submissions passed
before our December edition was published but we will await confirmation of the
finalised TORs in the New Year. UKChSA joint-patron Philippa Gregory provided the following
submissions on behalf of our Association:
“The UK Chagos Support
Association is aware of submissions from other stakeholders and would want to
support the comments made by the Chagos Refugee Group, The Alliance, and
The All Party Parliamentary Group on Chagos, and add the following thoughts:
Working, as we do, in
support of all Chagossians, but with especial contact with those exiled in the
UK, we would like to draw your attention to the urgency of the feasibility
report. The Chagossians have already waited far too long for the right to
return to their homeland, and every year now sees more deaths in exile. We are
particularly concerned at the length of time proposed for the feasibility
report, especially as this might take the reporting period over a general
election. Accordingly we call upon the FCO to speed up the process. Also, we
think it appropriate that the legal changes necessary to the MPA legislation
and to the Chagos citizenship status be investigated now - so that Chagossians
can start their return as soon as possible. We also would want to know that the
feasibility report will be accepted by all parties, in the event of a change of
The political social
and cultural aspects of the feasibility report must take into account the needs
for a full community of islanders to return to their homes. The report
currently rules out issues of citizenship and compensation and we believe that this
is a grave mistake. Chagossians cannot return to their homeland without clarity
about their legal status. The current Chagos-only citizenship and visa
arrangements which are acknowledged to have been drafted in error and are a
practical obstacle to the Chagossian people will have to be reviewed and
amended. At the moment they divide families. If people are to live on Chagos,
Mauritius, and the UK, if they marry other nationalities and if their children
are born in either Chagos or the UK what is their legal status to be? We
recognise that these are complex and complicated issues but the feasibility
report cannot answer on the 'feasibility' of return, unless it addresses this
fundamental need. We suggest that the Home Office be requested urgently to
prepare a mini-feasibility report on the legal status of the Chagossians and
that this should mirror, as is only fair and just, the status of other British
Overseas Territories, without special Chagos clauses, and report at the same
time as this FCO feasibility report.
Political - we require
that the necessary approaches and negotiations with the US government regarding
the terms of the use of Diego Garcia are made public. We are concerned at the
suggestion that, until now, the US has not been made aware of the Chagossians
wish to return. It is not feasible that the USA should continue to use Diego
Garcia as her base excluding the Chagossians. The report will need to consider what
arrangements can be made. Please note the Chagossian willingness to negotiate.
Economic - on behalf
of the Chagossians we welcome the exploration of a sustainable lifestyle on
Chagos and hope that the report considers two potential income streams: the
money which could be raised for fishery protection by the Chagossians, the
sustainable industry of artisan fishing and sustainable agriculture, and the
income which presumably the US government will pay for the continued use of the
Diego Garcia base.
Consultation - we
welcome the feasibility report's intention of consulting stakeholders, and we
respectfully remind the FCO that while there are many interested parties, there
is only one community of indigenous inhabitants: the Chagossians, and that
their views should be paramount. They are particularly concerned that
consultations about the environment and the suitability of island developments
be made with them, as active and participating observers and reporters. They
are particularly concerned about their legal position as Chagossians, British
Overseas Territory dwellers and British subjects. We, as the supporters'
association, support them completely in their determination to be allowed to
decide their future on Chagos and elsewhere.”
Olivier Bancoult provided
the following submissions on behalf of the CRG:
“The Chagos Refugees
Group (CRG) has met on two occasions, and has also consulted a broad range of
experts about the draft TORs and the conduct of the Feasibility Study more
generally. The General Assembly was held on Sunday 8th December and was
attended by the majority of the native Chagossians living in Mauritius.
The General Assembly made a list of recommendations and as a result we wish to
propose several changes/refinements to the draft TORs. These are shown in the
attached version as 'track changes'. We are grateful for the opportunity to
provide input at this stage and would further ask that if any of our proposals
are considered controversial, then there should be a further brief consultation
with us to try to reach a compromise.
In addition, the CRG would ask that the following general points concerning the Feasibility Study are taken into account:
In addition, the CRG would ask that the following general points concerning the Feasibility Study are taken into account:
1) The Consultants
appointed to the study should be truly independent and that there should be no
changes to the TORs without further consultation with interested parties.
2) That the study
should be published directly by the consultants without any prior vetting, or
reviewing by any party, including the FCO/BIOT.
3) Consideration
should be given for Chagossian involvement in the study; for example if
consultants visit the islands, then at least one appointed observer should be
permitted to accompany them. Ideally this would be A Chagossian 'native' who
can assist in traditional knowledge and provide general background knowledge
about the islands where necessary, under supervision of an expert chosen by the
4)We would like to
obtain a guarantee that the US is agreeable to resettlement.
In parallel with the
Feasibility Study we would ask for discussions and consultation on other issues
that we have identified but which are not directly related to resettlement:
1) Environmental and
conservation training for Chagossians be commenced in Mauritius as soon as
possible but only if it is conducted without prejudice to the fundamental human
rights of the Chagossians and without prejudice to ongoing litigation
2) Pension provision
for 'native' Chagossians.
3) Educational
scholarships for young Chagossians.
4) The establishment
of a 'funeral fund' to help meet costs associated with dispersed families
consequential upon the British Overseas Territories Act 2002.
5) That consideration
be given to widening the scope of the Chagos "Marine Protected Area"
to one that encompasses the islands themselves and which includes human
6) That the UK address
the problems of family separation arising after the British Overseas
Citizenship Act 2002.
It was a busy few weeks for APPG coordinator David Snoxell who also found time to write
an article which appeared on the Conservative Home website,
a similar piece also appeared in Labour’s Tribune magazine. Reflecting on recent events, he argued that
we may indeed be witnessing a watershed moment in this extraordinarily
prolonged injustice:
“During a debate in
the Lords in November, peers urged the Government to shorten the process so
that decisions can be taken well before the election. The only way to achieve
this would be to make the feasibility study six rather than twelve months.
Since there have been several academic studies analysing the 2002 feasibility
study over the past decade and, since significantly more scientific data is now
available than in 2002, this should be possible. Clearly, speakers felt
that the deadline of an election was an overriding factor.
It had taken until now
to reach a point (commissioning a new study) which could have been decided when
the Government came into office. In the run-up to the election, the Coalition
parties had each promised to work for a fair and just solution. It was noted
that the Chagos Islands (BIOT) All-Party Parliamentary Group had been
established in 2008 to press for justice, and will have its 40th meeting later
this month. It has pressed for a new feasibility study since its first meeting.”
It’s quite remarkable to think where we all were twelve
months ago, collectively still reeling from that now infamous Strasbourg
ruling. As 2013 glides off into the
sunset we can all seek reassurances from the renewed sense of hope that 2014
could indeed become a pivotal year in this struggle for justice. On behalf of the Association I would like to
thank all of our fantastic supporters for all their work over the past year and
wish you and your families a very happy new year.
Thank you
as always for your continued interest and support,
Lebrasse (Update compiler)
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